at some time, at someplace you must have seen a toddler or a little kid just
spontaneously dancing /shaking in rhythm, to the music, it's just because of the fun
or sheer joy a child experiences while doing so, it’s not done to attract the
attention of someone, nor for the sake of any competition. That’s the way we
should live our life, simply, because life in itself is something to be celebrated every day.
Life shouldn’t be a constant struggle to achieve more, to collect more diplomas & degrees, or to get a high profile job, or having a big house , a fancy car or fancy clothes…… instead we should just be enjoying life. Sure, having all these fancy things can make life even more enjoyable, but we always need to remember not to get too preoccupied in a constant pursuit to get them, that we forget to enjoy life. If we waste all our time, effort and energy chasing what we don’t have, we will never get a chance to enjoy & appreciate and enjoy what we already have.
It’s also true that most of us spend more time worrying about what others think about us, Instead of that, why not take out a little time to examine what we really think about ourself. Are we living up to the standards we have set for ourself ? If we can look at ourself and with all honesty say that, yes, we are living up to our own expectations, then we are a real success, our life is a success.
Success is living life the way you want to, on your own terms.
A successful life is all about
finding a balance between enjoying what you have, while working toward what you
want to achieve. If you find this balance, you can truly enjoy the life you have.
p.s. Just to wish you a very Happy Birthday,Appi !!! Wishing that you celebrate Life everyday, and enjoy every moment you get, with every breath that you take. MAY lIFE ALWAYS GIVE YOU THE BEST IT CAN OFFER , AND YOU MAKE THE BEST OF IT.